Location: Amber Union Apartments - Falcon Heights , MN

220 sq ft


[Syl’s Final Ride] In Honor of Sylvia Fowles’ final season in the WNBA

Location: Modist Brewing Co - Minneapolis, MN

20 ft x 16 ft


[Paint the Town]

Location: Minnesota State Fair- Mural Festival

8 ft x 8 ft


[The Revolution Will Not Be Televised]

Location: Denny Kemp Salon and Spa; 605 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis

70 ft x 13 ft

June 2020

You will not be able to stay home.

You will not be able to plug in.

The revolution will not come to you.

-Gill-Scott Heron


Location: Look + See; Minneapolis, MN

23 ft x 5 ft


[Next Round on Me]

Location: Arbeiter Brewing Company; Minneapolis, MN

16 ft x 14.5 ft


[Caution: Black Child at Play]

Please be mindful of dreams, ambition and joy.

Black children are often faced with enduring many challenges growing up in America. The luxury to dream should be extended to every single child and never stolen based on the color of one’s skin.

This mural depicts the  carefree spirit of a child. Its playfulness and bursts of color capture a child’s limitless imagination, while also delivering the message: “Black children deserve to be just that; a child.” 

7ft x 13ft